Check out what’s new at the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum, including newly restored aircraft, displays from our partners, and traveling exhibits.

Flash Exhibit: Howard Hughes Before & Beyond the Goose
Opening July 29th, the first in Evergreen’s series of Summer Flash Exhibits opens with a focus on our favorite entrepreneur himself: Howard Hughes.
Free with admission, this comprehensive exhibit unearths exclusive photos, posters, drawings, and models previously locked away in our Archives that are part of Hughes’ legacy.
With eight new panels, the exhibit examines Hughes as a young inventor, a creative filmmaker, and an innovative businessman whose influence continues to inspire U.S. capital at large.
Available through August 23rd, be sure to check out this limited exhibit before it returns to the safety of our Archives.
Restoration Project:
C-47 A Skytrain
The C-47 Skytrain was adapted from the DC-3 commercial airliner, which first appeared in 1936. The DC-3 was the world’s first commercial airline, and The C-47 is the military version of the DC-3. In total, over 10,000 C-47’s were built.
Just after midnight on June 6, 1944, D-Day, 1,200 aircraft dropped more than 24,000 American, British, and Canadian paratroopers across occupied Normandy in the largest combined air, land, and sea operation in history. The Museum’s C-47 carried members of the 101st Airborne Division’s, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment to a drop zone near the town of Carentan, France.
During the multiyear restoration process, Evergreen’s C-47 will be restored and displayed in an interactive exhibit featuring the illustrious DC-3, the original civilian transport on which the Skytrain is based. Through this enhanced interactive exhibit, visitors will gain a better understanding of the “Douglas Twins.” The goal is to complete the exhibit by June 6, 2026.

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk
The F-117 aircraft is the brainchild of former Lockheed Skunk Works Director, Ben Rich, and was the world’s first operational stealth fighter. This “Lone Wolf” is credited as initiating Operation Desert Storm. Its first flight was on October 30, 1985, with its first combat operation taking place in Operation Just Cause. During its career, the aircraft flew 39 combat missions in Desert Storm and eight missions during Operation Iraqi Freedom. This tail number, 85-0816, was retired on October 12, 2007.
Now available in the Space Museum during its restoration process, the F-117 is a proud part of the Evergreen collection.